To be one of the top 5 countries in Africa in terms of toll road service quality in 2020.
Operating and maintaining a safe, comfortable & Reliable toll road service using modern technology and skilled Manpower.
ETRE was established in July 2014 as a public enterprise based on Proclamation no 843/2014 of the parliament of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Regulation no 310/2014 issued by the Council of Ministers. Currently, roads under the jurisdiction of ETRE (i.e., Addis Adama Expressway, Diredawa Dawale Toll Road, and Modjo Batu Expressway), are about 400 km long, and serve more than 32,000 vehicles per day. Moreover, these roads connect the economic, political, and technological center of the nation or capital city, Addis Ababa, to different regions of the country and the border crossings with Djibouti and the important agricultural and industrial areas. The Addis Ababa-Adama Expressway, which is being serviced using modern technologies, is using tools of change in the organization of the Change Army to achieve superior performance; by increasing the existing workforce with knowledge and skills.