

General Manager Message



Daily Road User




The Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise is responsible for managing, maintaining, providing toll road services and related activities in the Addis Ababa-Adama, Diredawa -Dewolle and Modjo- Batu toll roads that are currently in service and will be completed in the future. It is an efficient institution.

The enterprise, which is a service provider, has been providing uninterrupted 24/7 services since its inception. This institution, which continuously provides its services, has been meeting the needs of its users in an efficient and modern manner.

In addition to providing comfortable, modern and fast service, the enterprise also provides 24/7 road monitoring; Using broad awareness programs; Working in coordination with stakeholders as well as carrying out pre-disaster prevention and control in the event of an accident and risk management to prevent further damage during the post-disaster period. It allows that to create a safe environment.

The Addis Ababa-Adama Expressway, which is being serviced using modern technologies, is using tools of change in the organization of the Change Army to achieve superior performance; by increasing the existing workforce with knowledge and skills; It is being widely implemented by improving operational strategies.

Having completed the preparation for implementation by preparing a plan for the next four years; It will create a good opportunity for us to continue the changes that have been observed in our country and to continue the journey of prosperity that we have started in a strengthened manner. Expanding on perceived strengths and outcomes; By correcting mistakes, it is necessary to sustainably meet the needs and interests of today and future generations.

Financial empowerment; Improving the quality and efficiency of service delivery; ensuring a secure payment method; Enabling a standardized way and increasing the effectiveness of the institution by building the capacity to implement and execute are the focus areas of the plan.

Toll roads save time; Keeping them safe; Lower fuel costs and less maintenance cost make them preferred by many customers.

Strengthening people-to-people relations between cities; The fact that they have a significant role in the traffic flow of income and expenditure business; The fact that many young people benefit from job opportunities and the income from service delivery makes the government focus on building more toll roads in the future.

The enterprise has had nine successful years, and behind its effectiveness is the strong leadership and decision-making of Prime Minister  Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) , who has chaired the board since its inception, Commissioner Demelash G/Michael, Colonel General Melaku Fenta, and the current leader Honorable Almaz Mesele  as well as the strong support provided by the Ethiopian Investment Holdings, and monitoring; It is the contribution of the management of the institution that is tireless and most of all the hard work and service minded young workers.

Massage from the G.M
Mr. Mustefa Abasimal

Deputy General Manager Message



Daily Road User




It all started with a dilemma whether to commence toll road operation with local capacity or contract it out to international operators. A decision was made by the then Board Chair, now the EFDR prime minister, to bestow trust on local youth to take over the first toll road operation within a month. Addis-Adama Expressway was the first toll road in East Africa then. Uniquely luxurious driving experience to be tolled was a new milestone to the country. September 14th 2014 was the operation commencement date. There was much to uncover every week much to unravel & experience. The learning curve was not stiff and challenging. Yet we made it to the point we produced Standard Operating Procedures. 

Then came the second toll road on a totally different arrangement.  Diredawa-Dewelle toll road is an open system toll road with 223 K.M stretch. ETRE planned & executed the operation with composure since June 2019 by leveraging the experience attained from AAE. We applied the experienced professionals from the AAE to fairly smooth takeover of the operation.

ETRE is developed Service Areas on Addis-Adama Expressway. Services like fuel station, supermarket, Café & restaurant and motel shall be provided for road users.  The Service Areas’ operation is outsourced to the private sector for service quality and efficiency. These services are expected to increase customer satisfaction. More importantly, it will reduce traffic accidents caused by fatigue. In the mean-time the service areas will generate considerable revenues for the enterprise.

Next on, Mojo-Hawassa Expressway (especially Phase-1, Modjo-Batu) was inaugurated in 2021. ETRE commenced operation with higher management capacity. ETRE received an international capacity building consultancy support from the World bank. This project designed the recommended capacity building strategies, design the restructuring of the functional units and initiated the Electronic Toll Collection System project. Currently, the ETCS project is under implementation phase and will soon be introduced as an alternative tolling method for road users.

Overall, we in ETRE is undergoing a continuous growth trajectory with clear strategies to develop the management capacities in the following areas:

  • Traffic Management
  • Road Safety Management (RAMS)
  • Commercial Vehicles Operation (CVO) 
  • Roads Asset Management (Civil, Electromechanical, ICT, ITS)
  • Electronic Toll Collection Management
  • Toll Tariff Policy Formulation
  • Quality Management
  • Risk Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Information Security Management
  • Big Data Analysis/Management
  • Corporate Finance Management
  • Cost-Saving Strategy
  • Engineering Procurement Management
  • Engineering Contract Administration
  • Environmental Protection Management
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management
  • Waste Management
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Massage from the Deputy G.M
Mr Abiy Weretawn